Sacred (or Royal) Cubit 144mhz frequency.
frequency mainly works on the physical aspects of life
Whole:  52.4 cm.=20.6299” = 20-5/8”
½:             26.2 cm =10.3149” = 10-5/16”
¼              13.1 cm =  5.1574” =    5-3/16”
1 ½      78.6 cm =  30.9448” =    30-15/16”

Lost Cubit 177mhz frequency. Length size 59.67cm
frequency mainly works on the mental, emotional and ethereal aspects of life
Whole:  59.67 cm.=23.4921” = 23-1/2”
½:             29.835 cm =11.746” = 11-3/4”
¼              14.9175 cm =  5.873” =    5-7/8”

Empowerment Cubit 188mhz frequency. Length measure 73.3 cm
mainly works on the inner and invisible aspects of life
Whole:  73.3 cm.=28.8582” = 28-7/8”
½:             36.65  cm =14.4291” = 14-7/16”
¼              18.325 cm =  7.2145” =    7-3/16”

Teotihuacan Cubit(Harmony& Balance Tensor Ring)
Whole:  105.94 cm.=41.7086” = 41-11/16”
½:             52.97 cm =20.8453” = 20-7/8”
¼              26.485 cm =  10.4272” =    10-7/16”
1/8            13.2425 cm = 5.2136”  =  5-3/16”
The Balance and Harmony Tensor Ring brings you in touch with Earth, as a Human of Earth. Balance of Mind Body Spirit. Elementals of Earth come through the Ring, and makes it the perfect energy for working with nature. The Harmony Ring contains the frequencies and properties of all the Rings before it, including the:144 MHz Sacred Cubit, 177 MHz Lost Cubit,188 MHz, 333 MHz, 764 MHz

Earth Core Resonance Tensor Ring)___
Whole:  49.911 cm.=16.5” = 16-1/2”
½:        20.9555 cm =8.25” = 8-1/4”
¼         10.4777 cm =  4.125” =    4-1/8”
1/8       5.2388 cm = 2.625”  =  2-5/8”
Ideal for structuring water & grounding with the earth.

Galactic Cubit (Ascension Ring)
The Ring cleanses distortion fields from around the body very quickly. Lower vibrations change fast into whatever they need to be or they just evaporate.
Whole:  61.8728 cm.=24.3594” = 24-3/8”
½:        30.9364 =12.1797” = 12-3/16”
¼         15.4682 cm =  6.0898” =    6-1/16”
1/8       7.7341 cm = 3.0449”  =  3-1/16”